erik ojo

"i wanted to be justice, love, and the wrath of god all in one."
new essay:
i am (never) a victim: charles xavier and self-blame
✨ fictionkin interview w/ anthony padilla ✨
[email protected]

✘ erik / he / 25 yrs old
✘ agender trans man
✘ black (nigerian)
✘ neurodivergent / disabled
✘ jew-in-progress. fictionkin + spiritual
✘ illustrator, critic, dangerous mutie terrorist, angry black transmasc, x-men aficionado, and fan-aesthete
✘ nsfw art twitter is @darknesmith
i make video essays

- erik lehnsherr (616 + xmcu + etc)
- ilya kuryakin (2016 film)
- leonard h. "bones" mccoy (star trek aos + possibly tos)
- john watson (ritchieverse)
- david 8 (alien series)
- phoenix force (616 + xmcu + etc?)
alsodoubles feel free to followfeel free to dm me about anything kin-related but keep in mind that i already have multiple canonmates!